Loss of Vydate®10G authorisation

It is with great disappointment to learn that the UK application for re-authorisation of Vydate 10G for use in 2021 has not been successful.

Corteva AgriscienceTM received a communication from CRD (Chemicals Regulation Division) late on 24 December to inform them that Vydate® 10G has not been re-authorised for sale, distribution and use in the UK beyond 31 December 2020.  There is no grower use-up-period beyond that date.

CRD have granted an amendment to allow the disposal and storage of Vydate 10G until the 28 February 2021.

Stakeholder groups have submitted a number of applications for Emergency Authorisation approval, for use in key sectors, where there are no alternative solutions. These applications are currently being evaluated, the outcome of which is not expected before the end of January 2021.

Growers have been extremely diligent in supporting the NSP (Nematicide Stewardship Programme) Protocol for the safe use of nematicides over the past five years, participating in training and adapting machinery and practice to meet NSP guidance and now Red Tractor Standards.  It is therefore extremely disappointing to learn that the care and attention by UK growers has not been successful in helping to maintain the ongoing use of Vydate 10G.  The support by growers will continue to be encouraged by the NSP for the remaining nematicide granule, Nemathorin®.

For more information contact Corteva UK Ltd on 0800 6898899 or ukhotline@corteva.com.