The NSP aims are to ensure responsible use of granular nematicides to protect the operator, environment and consumer.
The initiative has been developed by industry and includes partners from stakeholder organisations, agrochemical companies, manufacturers, distributors and research providers.
The NSP follows the principles of anti-trust guidelines when conducting any business with group members. Each meeting has an agenda and the minutes of the meeting, are circulated within one month of the meeting date.
Independent Chair
Patrick Mitton
Andy Alexander, NFU
Simon Alexander, Red Tractor Assurance
Matthew Smallwood, McCain Foods
Carolyn Riches, Rebecca White, Andy Cunningham, Syngenta UK Ltd
Mary McPhee, NIAB
Rupert Weaver, NFU
Alison Warrington, NFU
Mark Taylor, Fresh Potato Suppliers Association
Reuben Morris, Agchem. distributors
Andrew Curtis, Potato Processors’ Association
All Agrochemical company representatives.
Not less than 4 industry stakeholder members
Frequency of meetings
A minimum of 2 per year, with 3 recommended as optimal